Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group is aggressively monitoring the flow of information coming out from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health regarding the COVID-19 health safety situation. Sierra Pacific has a robust employee and food safety program, with a strong focus on personal hygiene and illness prevention. We are actively sharing out information and communicating updates with our employees in our Modesto, Patterson, and Stockton facilities to ensure they have the best tools to maintain a healthy and safe work environment.
Current guidance from the CDC and the CDPH is to encourage our employees to report illnesses and to follow personal hygiene with handwashing and respiratory etiquette in mind. Sierra Pacific continually reinforces the importance of visiting the doctor if any employee notes feeling symptoms of the common cold, flu, or other respiratory illnesses.
The symptoms of COVID-19 have been reported to be similar to those of the common cold and flu, but a sustained fever and shortness of breath are key symptoms to watch for. We make sure our employees know that staying home when sick is okay and is the right thing to do in order to ensure a healthy workforce and to help protect the safety of the food and products handled at Sierra Pacific.
Sierra Pacific is dedicated to the safe handling and storage of our customers’ packaged food and products and keeping our employees safe and healthy. The recommended procedures are in place and are part of Sierra Pacific’s food safety and sanitation programs. As new information is reported out by government agencies, Sierra Pacific will build on the response and procedures in place to better protect our employees and our role in the food supply chain.
For more information, please contact: Harrison Power, Quality and Safety Manager<> 209-572-2882