SPWG Fire Safety Update

September 13, 2020
Greetings SPWG Clients,
It is truly a year that has no equal in our recent history. I am sure that you are watching the news and seeing images of California as wildfires rage across our state. These are truly horrific and our thoughts go to those that are losing property and loved ones.
I wanted to take this time to reassure you, our valued customers, friends and associates that the Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group facilities are under no immediate danger. The SLC Complex fire is closest to our Patterson facility but well outside the range of any danger to our facility. Our Stockton and Modesto facilities are not in the path or are located in dangerous conditions.
Sierra Pacific has been making donations to the local area Red Cross to assist directly in aid to the victims and the firefighters that are battling these blazes.
All of our facilities remain open with proper safe COVID operating guidelines. Our facilities are safe for our associates and the drivers that service this facility. Drivers that do not follow our safety guidelines are not admitted to the facility.
Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group is a safe place for our associates, our customers and carriers. Please feel free to reach out to discuss anything further.
Chris Murphy CEO, Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group 209-534-1704 chrism@spwg.com